Sustainability: March Round Up - Adventure Base
Bespoke Trips
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Sustainability: March Round Up

26 April 2023


Happy Easter! Here’s our March/April newsletter for you to have a read over while finishing off your chocolate eggs… 

Environmental Impact: Next Steps

Following on from understanding the full picture in terms of the impact we are having on the environment, we have turned our attention from the full picture to a much more specific look at the individual products that we offer. We’re in the process of crunching through the numbers for each of these products to understand, as an average, how much Co2 they emit. When we mention products, I am referring to trips i.e Mont Blanc, Haute Ski Tour, etc. 

This in turn will help increase the level of transparency we are delivering to our clients in terms of environmental impact and also help raise the general level of awareness that our products are having as a result of client bookings. 

Emissions Offset

Conversations have started between Charlie and myself about how Adventure Base is going to offset the emissions produced for the last year and also going forward. We are both in agreement that technology-based initiatives are where we would like to focus our efforts and as such, are currently investigating a number of companies that offer this type of offset investment. Once we have an update and have selected a provider, we will update you all in our following newsletters. 

B-Corporation Progress

Now we have the numbers to plug into our B-Corp impact assessment in terms of emissions, we are now focusing our attention on getting our Impact assessment to the required 80 points and have re-focused our efforts on achieving B-Corp status by the middle of 2024. 

Between Charlie and myself we are focusing on each of the impact areas within the assessment in turn (Governance, Workers, Community, Environment & Customers) to ensure we have a clear path forward to completing the impact assessment. 

More to come next month alongside some further statistics and visualisations for our environmental impact (including Camemberts mmmm Cheeeeese). 


Charlie Krarup

Charlie Krarup

Managing Director

Charlie Krarup

Managing Director

Charlie is tasked with steering the ship amongst everything else. A big dreamer with a drive to make things happen, he's always up for a challenge. Whether it's skiing, cycling or climbing in the mountains, he's ready for that next thing.

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