Sustainability: October Round Up - Adventure Base
Bespoke Trips
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Sustainability: October Round Up

1 November 2022


As promised, we’re back to give you an update on our progress towards the AdventureBase climate pledge and our 2023 targets. 

October saw some great initial progress made in regards to sustainability. We held a number of workshops whereby we sat down as a team and put a spotlight on all the areas that Adventure Base had some form of negative impact on the environment, whether that be through the greenhouse gas emissions from business activity or the impact we have on the local infrastructure and community. From here we then categorised these into one of three categories of climate emission scopes.

Where do we start? 

Generally speaking, when we look at working out the impact a business has on the world’s climate, we segment into scope one, scope two and scope three emissions. 

Scope one and two generally refer to any upstream activities that a business has direct control over. For Adventure Base, this includes themes such as energy use in office facilities, what type of energy is used and how it is produced, how employees travel, the impact of purchasing equipment & merchandise and many more! As a business we have the most control over scope one and two as these are things we can directly influence ourselves. 

Scope three looks at the wider impact our business activities have further downstream. As we are facilitating our clients adventures, any travel to get to those adventures falls into scope three alongside accommodation, food and beverage purchases, waste and in very rare circumstances… helicopter rescues! These are just some of the scope three emissions that Adventure Base is accountable for and as you may have guessed, although we don’t have direct control over a lot of these, our role going forward is to bring about change through education and strategic partnerships.


Phase One

Phase one of our sustainability roadmap will see the identification of all of Adventure Bases scope one and two emissions alongside the calculation to work out the true impact those are having on the environment. We have made some excellent progress so far and have captured 80% of these emissions. When I say ‘we’ I refer to Charlie practicing his French to translate energy and utility bills! 


What’s next?

Once we have identified and calculated the sum of all of our scope one and scope two emissions, we will then begin the off-set and reduction efforts. Work is underway to identify the best platform for off-setting but the team is keen to focus off-set investment into green technology as we believe this has the biggest impact in the fight against climate change. 

Off-setting alone is not enough and further activities will begin to look at how we can reduce that environmental impact further. Themes such as using green energy providers, working with sustainable retailers, only traveling when absolutely necessary and using greener forms of travel are all ways in which this can be achieved. 

Phase one will conclude with a concise and accurate view of the environmental impact Adventure base is having on the environment alongside subsequent investment into green technology with further efforts to reduce this impact further through informed and impactful choices. 



We’ve thought hard as a team to visualise what we want Adventure Base to look like at the end of 2023 and going into 2024 we decided to set our goals high.

By the end of 2023 we want to: 

  • Have acquired B-Corporation status or be in the closing stages. 
  • Be net-zero across our scope 1/2/3 emissions. 
  • Have strategies in place and see further reductions by 20% of these emissions.

We look forward to updating you on progress in subsequent newsletters and please do follow our social media channels to stay up to date!

To read previous monthly updates please head to our sustainability page here.

Charlie Krarup

Charlie Krarup

Managing Director

Charlie Krarup

Managing Director

Charlie is tasked with steering the ship amongst everything else. A big dreamer with a drive to make things happen, he's always up for a challenge. Whether it's skiing, cycling or climbing in the mountains, he's ready for that next thing.

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